Australian censorship
New Australian seizure of Ecstasy Reconsidered
A shipment of my book E for Ecstasy was seized by Australian customs
spring 1994. The importer and distributor, David Moore of Einstein's Moon,
appealed but eventually lost the case. On 19/8/95 The Australian
newspaper had a front page news item and editorial about the appeal being
lost at a hearing the day before. Even anti-drug campaigners were quoted
as saying that such a book should be allowed into the country to allow both
sides of the debate to be heard. Meanwhile, Australians may freely read
and download my first book here on Internet, see link below.
In October 1995, Ecstasy and the Dance Culture was also banned in
On 14th July 1997, a copy of Ecstasy Reconsidered (sent by myself)
was seized, and the purchaser kindly faxed me the Australian Customs Seizure
documents. These included a receipt that stated the reason for seizure as
"Pending ruling from O.F.L.C. on Reg L.A. classification."
Australians are welcome to order by mail provided that they are prepared
to take the risk. I always send books unmarked. So far very few have been
seized, and this is the first that I have sent myself. I normally send in
padded bags, but this time it was packed in cardboard with another book.
©Nicholas Saunders 7/97
Australian censorship department lists
type of material to be censored, and that includes"Books which promote,
incite or encourage the use of prohibited drugs."
Ecstasy, Dance, Trance and Transformation is also listed if you do
a search for books seized on ecstasy. E for Ecstasy has been removed, presumably
because it is out of print.