E for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders.
Bibliography by Alexander Shulgin.
Published by Nicholas Saunders, 14 Neal's Yard, London, WC2H 9DP, UK.
ISBN: 0 9501628 8 4. Published May 1993. 320 pages.
The book E for Ecstasy is now only available in German and Italian, having been superceded by Ecstasy and the Dance Culture and Ecstasy, Dance, Trance and Transformation. Details of availability are on
Copyright Nicholas Saunders and Alexander Shulgin 1994.
This material may be freely distributed electronically, but may be
printed for personal use only. Permission is required for any other use of
any of the contents. This will normally be given freely, provided prior
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This file is also available in ascii form at hyperreal.com:/drugs/mdma/e.for.ecstasy with
appendix seperate from the main file.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Own Experience
- What I feel it has done for me; how I have experimented with it and researched
- 3. History of Ecstasy
- first invented and patented; tested by US army; re-discovered by Shulgin;
used for psychotherapy; wildly popular available by credit card; alarm due
to previous impure drug causing Parkinson's disease; banning in US against
recommendation; media muddle; appeal overturned; rise of the rave in US,
Europe and then back to US; permission to use in Switzerland; permission to
use in US.
- 4. What it Does and How it works
- Emotional effects: allowing the chi to flow, dissolving fear, allowing
memories to surface, being temporarily free of neurosis, feeling love,
removing defensiveness, allowing indulgence. Medical effects: effect on
brain with fairly full explanation including diagrams to show how brain
cells transfer info. Side effects such as blood pressure and temp rise.
What organs get rid of it. Effects of combining E with other drugs. Sex.
- 5. Who takes Ecstasy
- Own survey results, references to other surveys. How many people take E
deduced from surveys and seizures. Welshpool and football supporters
- 6. Dangers
- Reports of death here and in the US and why different. Overheating. Heart
failure, strokes. Neurotoxicity: the research that caused the fears and the
present assessment. Risk assessment compared to other activities as from my
article. Who should avoid taking Ecstasy. Psychological dangers: what kind
of people have been damaged by MDMA. Media overstatement.
- 7. The law
- 8. Ecstasy and the media
- Times article
- 9. Psychotherapy in Switzerland
- 10. Other uses of Ecstasy
- Used for opening up and having fun; slimming/keeping fit; dancing; problem
solving; improving relationships; professional psychotherapy; amateur
psychotherapy; as an alternative to psychotherapy; in rituals; in place of
a quick holiday; for pain relief; for depression. . .
- 11. Suggestions for first time users
- Ideal situation in town, in country. What to have with you and what to
avoid. When to take it. Who to take with and who not to. Describe Set and
Setting. How to be a guide.
- 12. What Ecstasy is and where does it come from
- Tests for MDMA in the lab and at home. List of characteristics. What drugs
are sold as MDMA and how to distinguish them. Are other drugs more toxic?
Is MDMA cut with poisonous substances? Why it sometimes has a different
effect. Production and distribution
- 13. Discussion of establishment attitudes
- 14. Conclusion
- Appendix 1: Reference section
- Summaries of reports I have read.
- Appendix 2: Personal Accounts
- A small selection of first-hand accounts of Ecstasy use. Both positive
and negative experiences.
- Appendix 3: Human rights and the use of drugs
- An American viewpoint with part of Shulgin's Chapter 42, and a British
- Appendix 4: Annotated bibliography
- By Alexander T. Shulgin
- Appendix 5: Research projects
- under way at present.
- Appendix 6: Directory of Organisations in the UK
- which deal with Ecstasy users
- Appendix 7: Glossary of terms