MDMA study in humans: preliminary findings
Psychobiologic effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in humans:
methodological considerations and preliminary observations by Charles S.
Grob et al in Behavioural Brain Research 73 (1996) 104-107
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a phenethylamine with potent
effects on serotonergic neurotransmission which has been the object of controversy
over its potential as a therapeutic adjunct versus its possible risks for
causing neurotoxic injury. This paper discusses ihe background, methodohgy
and preliminary findings of the first FDA approved Phase I study prospectively
evaluating the effects of MDMA administration in humans. Six subjects with
prior experience with MDMA were adIninistered two different dosages of MDMA
and an inactive placebo utilising a randomized, double-blind methodologic
design. Dosages from 0.25 to l.0 mg/kg, p.o., were administercd. A11 subjects
tolerated the procedures without any oven evidence of physical discomfort
or psychological distrees. MDMA produced a modest increase in heart rate
and blood pressure. The threshold dose for the stimulation of ACTH and prolactin
appeared to be betwcen 0.5 and 0.75 mg/kg, with the two higher doses clearly
stimulating both ACTH and prolactin. Methodology for assessing MDMA's effects
on serotonergic neurotransmission is discussed.
Preliminary data have been presented on the first sanctioned prospective
investigation of the psychobiologic effects of MDMA in humans. Although
our findings of the first 6 subjects studied are intriguing, definitive
conclusions must await further controlled inquiry of the effects of higher
dose administration. The study design calls for additional subjects to receive
MDMA in the 1.0-1.75 mg/kg range, which then will be followed by the study
of 1.75-2.5 mg/kg dosages. Past studies have suffered from lack of prospective
design thus impeding adequate elucidation of not only MDMA's inherent risk
for causing harm but also its potentia1 for therapeutic application. An
emotional and acrimonious political atmosphere has clouded careful and imppartial
examination of MDMA's full range of effects. Precedent now has been established
to conducting sanctioned investigation in human subjects under safe and
controlled condition. Technical advances will allow for more careful monitorlng
and assessment of the psychobiologic effects of MDMA in humans. Cntical
questions concerning MDMA's putative risks to public health versus potential
benefits of new treatment modalities await to be answered. Prospective research
designs utilising the controlled administration of MDMA to humans offer
the best hoppe of revealing its true, inherent, risk/benefit ratio.