Can E cure my dad of alcoholism?My dads an alcoholic and has been off the booze for about 6 months now he has been researching into drugs and the effects on the brain.He has recently heard about using ecstasy as a help. Can you tell me more? Reply from Rick Doblin at MAPS Nicholas Saunders forwarded your message about your father to me. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and direct a non-profit organization, MAPS, that is supporting FDA-approved MDMA psychotherapy research. There has never been a study of the use of MDMA in the treatment of addiction but there are numerous reports of its beneficial use in some addicts. There is a very brief report about the use of MDMA in the treatment of cocaine addiction in a back issue of the MAPS newsletter, which you can get off the net at Check out the back issues section and search with the key word cocaine. There will probably be lots of mentions but I think you will be able to find the letter from the ex-addict describing how MDMA helped him. Unfortunately, there are no legal contexts for your dad to try MDMA in the treatment of his alcoholism. Where do you live? Perhaps there are some doctors who might be interested in trying to get permission to conduct an experiment with your dad. This is a longshot, for sure, but it is about the best I can do regarding legal methods MAPS site is at: |