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Current Results

Current Results

These results have been obtained using home ecstasy testing kits which use a chemical to test for the principal active ingredient in pills sold as ecstasy. They are *not* laboratory results. The test cannot indicate the quantity of a chemical in a pill, nor can it guage what else might be in the pill if it contains a number of ingredients. Please see the FAQ for more info on DIY e testing.

Just because a pill tests positive for MDMA, does not automatically mean that it is safe to take. Please check out the safety and harm reduction information elsewhere on this site.

If you are comparing a pill to one on the database, check for all distinguishing features: size, colour, logo, shade, score etc. Bear aware that 'copycat' pills exist - pills designed to look just like a 'good' one but with inferior ingredients.

IMPORTANT: The information on the database is provided by the good will of ecstasy testers and ecstasy users. It may not be one hundred percent accurate. Please use the information purely as guidance. Please see the FAQ.

CK white Logo: poorly pressed CK
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 1/2/2001
City: Sask
Country: Canada
Test result: Initially either dark purple, but possibly dark brown then, rapidly to black within 15 seconds. was told these were cut with small amount of speed, so that may explain the primary reagent reaction to brownish.
Overall effect: Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: These came on strong and maintained a level roll for about 3 hours. I was a bit surprised at the low quality of the pill itself. The body was very poorly pressed, and the CK itself was a raised impression, and could barely be made out. In fact if I had not been told it said "CK", I'm not sure if I would of been able to come to that conclusion myself. Also, the pills were very crumbly and left alot of powder residue on fingers. I feel that perhaps they were cut and repressed. There was no split line on the back which always leads me to think lower quality, and they didn't have that strong bitterness I have experienced with high grade MDMA, in fact they tasted a bit like aspirin initially. (eventually there was a bitterness to the pil taken sublingually [under tongue]). These made me sweat like a monster. A decent roll over all, not the best by far but a good pill for light partying and social times.

Purple/Grey Tulip Logo: Indented Tulip
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Purple
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 1/2/2001
City: Bristol
Country: UK
Test result: red flash 1 sec, then straight to black 2 secs.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These pills are single stacked, wide & well pressed. They are dense with blue/grey speckles and these were clearly visible when you divide them. I took half to start with, which was a nice feeling, quite chatty, then took another half 30 mins later which really hit me - strong waves of euphoria, jaw clenching. Took one more and was peaking about 4 1/2 hours total. Very clean, nothing next day except fluffy afterglow. Very nice pills. We like these.8/10

Superman (light Blue) Logo: Superman 'S'
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Blue
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 1/2/2001
City: Sask
Country: Canada
Test result: Immediately to dark purple, quickly to black, within 6-8 seconds. These pills were distintively speckled with white in Blue. Very hard pill, had to scrape hard to get test material.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect:
User reports: These were nice tabs. Very nice onset, very floaty and a well maintained peak. Could literally turn the high on and off as need be. 40 minutes on the uptake, and a very nice roll for 3 hours. Extremely dancy, lots of energy and feeling very connected to everyone. I think this was true to the higher quality MDMA i have had in the past. Sat along a wall with a stranger talking about how wonderful a "promo flyer" was... very cool tabs. Came off them very smoothly, a bit like stepping off a fast ride. Went home and slept like a baby. Felt like a Champion the next day.

Green CU Logo: CU
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 2/2/2001
City: Baton Rouge
Country: USA
Test result: straight to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Killer peek but only three hours.

E Logo: e
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 3/2/2001
City: derby
Test result: ver purple.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: very strong, quick to come up. nice

Versice (sp?) Logo: A face - very indistinct
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 5/2/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: Farily rapid change to purple/black.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: Not the strongest pill I've taken, but nice and did the job well. No come-down next day.

Green CU Logo: CU
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 5/2/2001
City: Baton Rouge
Country: USA
Test result: YELLOW!
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: Don't believe everything you read here.. these were lab tested by dancesafe and contain Methamphetamine and PCP THERE IS NO MDMA/MDEA/MDA or anything ecstasy related in these pills, nor is there anything to turn the test result purple-black. Another jerk has lied on this database again..

pokemon Logo: pokeman guy
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 6/2/2001
City: schaumburg,il
Country: usa
Test result: puffed a little smoke, turned black almost instantly
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: pill almost has a shiny surrface, not that intense on 1, second pill knocks you out. we all experianced extreme dizziness, problems standing, some experianced on-off again results. next to the zorros that were around a bit ago i have to say these are the best pills out there. not very touchy-feely

Armani Logo: Armani Trademark
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 6/2/2001
City: Los Angeles
Test result: quick purple to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: No effect
User reports: these were fine... came on relatively quickly, about 30 minutes, and the next 5 hours went by so quickly, we were all amazed. These were both dancy and loved up.

Double stack Taurus Logo: taurus
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 7/2/2001
City: Philadelphia
Country: USA
Test result: turned purpleish pretty slowly
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect:
User reports: absolutely no motivation provided in this pill. Took 1.5 orally, then blew the other one an hour later. Came on slowly and never knocked me out like they should've. Not bad if your just hangin' but i wouldn't really recommend it.

Double Stacked Mercedes Logo: Mercedes-Benz Star
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 9/2/2001
City: Raleigh, NC
Country: U.S.A
Test result: Straight to black in 2-3 seconds with EZ-Tester.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These pills are slightly larger than most I've seen. I generally chew mine up, since these are quite well pressed and might take a while to kick in. These pills are very euphoric and loved up. Dancing on them is fun, but these aren't really high energy pills. Had some really awesome conversations with people and didn't experience any depression, or bad come down the next day-although I do roll a lot less now. *sigh* Peace,

Pikachu,pokemon Logo: pikachu
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 9/2/2001
City: Gurnee,IL
Country: USA
Test result: turned black, thinking its MDA
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: i took 1 and was feeling effects mildly. After taking the second vision became distorted. Craziest ones ive taken

Shoes,Double Dutch Logo: two shoes
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Purple
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 9/2/2001
City: Gurnee
Country: USA
Test result: turned black within seconds
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: took 2. had a good roll, between 3-4 hours. 8/10

Diesel Logo: Diesil D
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 12/2/2001
City: Johannesberg
Country: South Africa
Test result: Turned black very quickly
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: Very good pill but after 3 I didnt sleep for 58 hours, high anphet content.

Ferrari Logo: horse
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 11/2/2001
Country: Ireland
Test result: straight to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect:
User reports: Came up very quickly (30-40 mins). Very peaceful pills. Couldn't bring myself to talk out loud... whispered all night! (so did everyone that took one.) More of a spiritual buzz than a dancy/speedy buzz. These pills would be great for meditation! .... finding your inner self !!!! Kind of pill you'd take on a night in with friends !!! Overall, very good pills, and quite big too, so they're easy to split

Versace (medusa's) Logo: Face
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 11/2/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: Deep blue/black after 20 secs - no fizzing or bubbling... deep blue/purple at the edges.
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: This pill seemed OK to start with, happy buzz with energy and visuals - but no gurning or warm feeling just jaw clenching. It was later when I took a half of a different pill (average misties) that I realised the Versace must have been mainly made up of MDEA/MDA or a mixture as the mitsie totally floored me.....(and I knew they werent that strong as I had done many of these mitises previously) It took the second pill to make me realise that the versace buzz wasnt MDMA, but something similar and more speedy - less luved up. I found I came down very quickly a little while later off both pills (another indication of MDEA) and felt unusally depressed and lathargic.. also I had a headache and a stomach ache. These side effects dissapeared within the next 2 hours and after some sleep I was back to normal. Overall - interesting pills, but I dont think they are MDMA (or if they are they have something else in them too) ... dont mix with other pills.

Lacoste Logo: Green crocodile
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 11/2/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: The test went dark purple/black after 5 - 10 seconds, with a few tiny bubbles appearing.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Dizziness
User reports: 45 mins after taking this pill I had quite a hectic rush - stronger than Im used to. The rush was very heavy and I found it difficult to move, also I was slightly dizzy and colours were very blurred, lucky I was at home because I dont think I wanted to do anything but lie down while I was coming up. Despite the mad rush, I had a very warm feeling of euphoria, and was very responsive to music. The warm luv dup feeling lasted for about an hour after the rush ended, and then I just had a feeling of satisfaction and tiredness... overall I'd say these pills were quite clean (despite their strange colour) and very strong. If was going to do one again I think I'd do it in halves.

Crowns (Rolex's) Logo: A 5 pointed crown
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 11/2/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: About 20 seconds to go dark purple... with blue at the edges.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I had 3 of these pills in one evening, and found them to be very average. It took about 40 mins to come up on each one, and when I did come up my jaw was stiff and I was slightly confused. The pills definitely worked but I didnt have an overwhelming feeling of euphoria, just a content warm feeling. Its possible that the speed I took with the pills affected their 'psychological' peak but you know when you take a pill and feel all the right side effects but no intensely happy buzz? Thats how I felt. Overall, average strength... they did the job, but nothing special.

Mistubishi Logo: Mitsubishi logo
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 11/2/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: About 40 seconds to go dark purple/black, with blue at the edges.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect:
User reports: Normally I dont like posting about misties as its almost impossible to differentiate between so many hundreds going around at any one time. These ones however are fairly unique as they have blue/grey speckles that are quite large. The Pill itself is quite large too, with a diameter of 9MM. The Mitsie logo is well embedded and defined, spanning about 7mm of the front of the pill. The first thing I remarked upon when I took this one of these pills was how long it took to come up on it.... I didnt feel any substansial effects until after about 110 mins after I took the pill. They arent very strong, but I would say very clean. I took another and had a very enjoyable time, the pill holding my hand all the way up. No strong rushing or strong side effects , and the comedown was clean and painless. Overall - not very strong at all, but nice and clean and gentle on the head.

Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 10/2/2001
Country: USA
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: EFFCTS HIT IN 30 MINS. DROPED 1 AT 7:50 BY 8:30 HOLY SHIT. DID 2 1\2 STAYED UP TILL 3:30AM. 7 OUT OF 10

Tulip Logo: indented tulip flower
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 12/2/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: Purple - black after around 30 secs
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: The test wasn't very impressive to be honest, so I wasn't expecting too much from these. However it turned out to be very nice, clean and not too intense. No gurning, no rushing, just how it should be. Note these had a logo on one side only and slit on the other.

White Octogon Logo: E
Type: Pill
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 13/2/2001
City: Diamond Bar
Country: USA
Test result: stright to black
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Great Fookin 10 out of 10 loved every minute

Tulip (WARNING) Logo: Tulip (looks like a shield)
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 14/2/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: Marquis Reagent: Slow to purple - black after 2 min. E2 Kit: Flash to green then reddish/purple, with parts going to blue & brown.
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: NOT TAKEN: This was tested in-club, after someone took 3 - 45min apart, and became violently ill, had muscle stiffness, and went into seizure. Others who took only one complained of muscle stiffness. These have been sent to a lab for analysis. We're almost certain these pills are contaminated with something, so PLEASE DO NOT TAKE. (picture is available at

Mercedes Logo: Mercedes logo
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 15/2/2001
City: Lancaster
Country: Lancashire
Test result: went a grey black colour
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: very very little effect off these. I did one to start with, thought I was coming up but couldn't quite get there - kept going up and down. Vision blurry, couldn't focus and felt really tense. Did another and it didn't really help: started to feel spaced out but then came down really suddenly after only about 40 mins of taking it. Thought at one point I was going to go on a downer even though I was feeling fine mentally at the start of the night. People I have spoken to say they contain mostly coke but keep away from them anyway as they are a complete waste of money.

Orange doves Logo: a Dove
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Orange
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 16/2/2001
City: San Diego
Country: U.S.A.
Test result: quickly turned black in 2 seconds
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very strong pills. Rolled very hard. Zoned out and went into another world. one of the best pills I've ever taken.

Double Stacked White Zorros Logo: Z
Type: Pill
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 16/2/2001
City: Rochester
Country: USA
Test result: Black Immediatly
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These are absolutly the best pills I've ever taken! I took 1.5 orally and about 50 minutes later I had no idea what was going on. For the next 4 hours all I did was dance and hug people. Glow sticks are a must with these pills!! Crazy trails. Come down is hard though.

8 1/2 or 8.5 Logo: a big 8 with a 1/2 after it
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Rough surface
Speckled: no
Date: 16/2/2001
City: Atlanta
Country: USA
Test result: Had no change what so ever!
Overall effect: No effect Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Took one(double stacked) and after an hour I felt nothing. It was a waste of time and money. Stay away from these. Everyone i've talked too has said that they are bunk! I guess I should have asked around earlier.

medusa Logo: womans head with long hair - intricate design
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 16/2/2001
City: Lancaster
Country: UK
Test result: dark bluey-purple
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Took one and after about 15 mins began to feel very floaty (was trying to ballet dance in the club loos!) Got the flicker thing in my temples but did not have one big come-up -gradual instead. Took another but this did not have much effect, although became more floaty and very sociable. Head felt very clear but did not want to dance at all. Started to feel very tired at about 4am: this was 5 hours after I'd taken them but I still felt quite blissed out.

Ferrari Logo: ferrari car symbol
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 16/2/2001
City: Lancaster
Country: UK
Test result: a very dark orangey-black
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I had taken two Mercedes (see other report)which were crap and had very little effect. Managed to find one of these ferraris, took it and forgot about it. Was having conversation with my friend when suddenly her face began to totally change into someone else - it was a sort of trippy come-up. This was the only hallucinations I had though - walked out of the toliets and realised I had the most energy I had ever had - was literally bouncing round the club. Spent the next 3 hours dancing really madly on a podium, could not stop but was drinking water. Whenever I paused for a moment felt normal but then started dancing again and felt really speedy and quite euphoric. Was clenching jaw alot - it hurt for 4 days afterwards. This must have been really strong whatever it was because sometimes I don't even have that much effect when I double drop. Later thought it must have been phet based but then that doesn't explain the trippy bit.

Rolls Royce Logo: two Rs on top of each other
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 17/2/2001
City: Lancaster
Country: UK
Test result: very dark blue with a hint of purple - almost black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I have done these a few times, the first time being the best: I did one to start of with and started to feel really socaible and loved up. Had a really nice come-up, very fast but smooth. Was feeling very good but decided to do another half. After about 15 mins I had this massive come-up in the loos which was absoluterly amazing - for about 2 mins I lost control of my body and almost forgot where I was. Afterwards I felt even better, although not at all dancey. The come down was nice and gradual and I felt fine the next day. However, one time I did them and got the same sort of effects but much weaker with no strong come-up. My tolerance should have gone down as well as I hadn't done pills for 3 weeks previous to this, but I had been drinking alcohol and lots of water beforehand so this may have diminished the effects.

007 Logo: two 0s with a 7 underneath
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 17/2/2001
City: Lancaster
Country: UK
Test result: very dark blue
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: These were pretty good but not very strong. I did one to start with and the come-up was very gradual, felt loved-up but not floaty or clear-headed like I prefer to be. Did a couple more over the course of the night which kept me up for about 7 hours. Vision went a bit blurred occasionally, but jaw was no too stiff which is usually a problem for me. Nice gradual come-down with little ill effects the next few days. However, I have been told that pills of the same name which have the 007 all on the same line (rather thatn with the 7 underneath) have practically no effect and are a complete waste of money.

Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 17/2/2001
Country: USA
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching

Red Russian Logo: none
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 17/2/2001
City: Lancaster
Country: UK
Test result: dark, very deep blue
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I only took a half one of these to start with as I had no friends who had done them and had heard rumours about a similar looking pill that was supposed to be bad. The effects kicked in surprisingly soon and I began to feel very floaty and my sense of touch was extremely heightened. I decided to do another half and then had and a moderate but rapid come-up. I felt very happy but not very clear-headed. I was also very talkative, and started being far too honest by telling people my real age (not very clever when you are 16 and in a nightclub!). Usually I can manage to control what I say when I have dropped much more than one, so this was strange. On the way home (after about 4 hours of taking the last half) I was seeing these really mad images in my head: normally I just see really bright cartoons but these were really detailed, vivid snapshots of people I had never seen before. The come-down was very gentle and gradual and I was still up when I went to sleep.

Green CU Logo: CU
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 17/2/2001
City: Hamilton
Country: Canada
Test result: straight to black.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: There are ALOT off diffrent batchs of green cu's going around, there are those ones on dancesafe that have pcp/meth in them and there are new ones that came around not to long ago with MDMA in them, I had many of both, so to the guy saying stay away from them and discrediting other peoples posts, know what your posting before you post. PCP/ meth CU's have large thin lettering and are average sized. The ones with MDMA are double stacked, light green with white and dark green specks and professionally pressed.

Tp Logo: Tp with circle around it
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Yellow
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 17/2/2001
City: Detroit, MI
Country: USA
Test result: Immediatly Black
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Started out with dizziness and nausea, then progressed into a nice roll, lasted 8-10 hours with a rough come up and come down. I suspect this was a rather large dose (,180mg) of MDE because it lacked the rush that is typical of MDA/MDMA.

Anchor Logo: Anchor on one side
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 18/2/2001
City: Manchester
Country: UK
Test result: Went purply black in about 5 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Dropped one, and still hadn't come up in about 1.5 hours, so took another, and half an hour later I was flying. The come up was smooth and the peak lasted for about 2 - 3 hours. Very energetic and sociable - didn't want to stop dancing, must have talked to every person in the club. Slow comedown - went to sleep at 8am and was still buzzing. During comedown we all experienced bizzare and often horrific halucinations (though not frightening, more comical) - eg. a friend's face appearing bloody and scarred, being convinced that someone has a cigarette in their mouth when they don't. Felt fantastic for the first half of the next week, incredible rushes on Monday. It was strange that a friend I was with took the same pill and came up in about half an hour, and was down again almost as quickly. Great pills.

Igloo Logo: thumb's up
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 18/2/2001
City: Trenton
Country: USA
Test result: Turned purple emidiatley.
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Took Around 6 started rolling like 6:45. Very awesome come up. These pills were banging. Distorted vision and little jaw clenching but pretty cool. The roll was a good 5-6 hours.

White Clover! (watch out!) Logo: cut into a perfect clover shape
Type: Pill
Shape: Oblong
Colour: White
Texture: Fine powder
Speckled: no
Date: 18/2/2001
City: Oc eanside
Country: CA
Test result: turned blue to black within 4 seconds
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: This was a scary roll. It took over an hour and a half to kick in. During the wait for effects I took another pill. Two hours later I was unconcious in a hotel room, puking on myself. Very dopey feel to the high. Must contain more than MDMA..test result not accurate. The day after the roll I felt pleasantly dopey and absolutely smacked out. Take caution when taking these or avoid them if possible. Drink lots of water and be safe!

Snowballs Logo: none
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 19/2/2001
City: London
Country: Uk
Test result: Went black within about 10 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: No effect
User reports: Did these pills both on Friday and Saturday at 2 house parties and found them to be very clean with no comedown or adverse effects. 8/10

Doublestacked 8 1/2's Logo: 8 1/2
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 20/2/2001
City: Detroit, Michigan
Country: USA
Test result: immediately to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: very nice pill... took about 50 minutes to come up and then was outstanding.... felt very loved up and mellow.. got it tested at the party i was at and dancesafe tested it at their booth and said its a textbook reaction for an mdma like substance ... very nice pill ive rolled over 100 times aND THIS PILL made me feel like it was my first roll it was amazing i had jaw clenching though but most of all i had a lot of visual distortion the pill lasted a while also a good 5 hour peak. 9/10 i read that someone in atlanta had these and said they were bunk, the batch in detroit is definately not bunk... they have brown speckles and are white.

Green Zorro's Logo: Z
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 20/2/2001
City: Detroit
Country: MI
Test result: Black/purple in under 5 seconds
Overall effect: Sleepy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Fiance and I took these at 10:30. Hers kicked at 11:15 I had to take a HOT shower at 11:30 before it finally hit. For the next 3 hours we could hardly keep our eyes open. No love, no talking, no dancing, just spaced out sleepiness.

Royal Logo: R
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Brown
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 21/2/2001
City: Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Test result: Black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Royal's. Very strong. Friend tested in a lab, said they had traced PCP in them. Sudgest you tak ehalf, wait 30 min then see how you feel. Guts did'nt feel that great either ....

Anchor Logo: Anchor
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Rough powder
Speckled: yes
Date: 22/2/2001
City: Atlanta
Country: USA
Test result: No Change
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Stomach pains
User reports: It must just be the great city of Atlanta, but I have been getting Fake look alike beans about 20% of the time, and these were definately one of them, only a sick feeling after 1 1/2 hours, we need some good distributors in our area!

Quarter Moons Logo: Quarter Moon
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 24/2/2001
City: Tamarac
Country: USA
Test result: Turned black in 2 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: I took two and I was peaking for a couple hours

Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Purple
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 23/2/2001
City: Ontario, Ca
Country: USA
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: GRRRRRRRREAT PILL!!!!!!!!!! Took it at 10:15 pm, hit me aprox. 30 mins later. Highly cotrolable effect. very touchy-feely. The smoothest roll I've ever had with an easy comedown. BOMB SHIT.

Yellow Pickachu Logo: Pickachu Character
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Yellow
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 24/2/2001
City: Cold Spring,NY
Country: US
Test result: Straight to black
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Jaw Stiffening/clenching. Best pill i've had in a long time. Bigger than most pilles i've come across. Distorted vision lasted throughout entire roll, stages and all. Took one at 10:30, another at 11:20 and a third at 1:00. Peaked until I got home at 6:00, woke up at 8:00 and rolled still on my drive to work. Eyes were still dilated at 2:00 PM the next day. Felt a little weak the next day, not to bad, maybe from 30 minutes of sleep.

Double Stamped Hearts Logo: 2 hearts overlapping
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 25/2/2001
City: Houston TX.
Country: USA
Test result: Straight To Black.
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very xcellent pills, hit very fast (15-20 min)..I dropped about 4.5 total..and had a very different, but fun roll. I dont know what it was, but this was the first time I had illusions on X. I was seeing everything from birds to people to spiders...hehe very fun. Woke up next morning still feeling after effects, and had no appetite till next day..but it was worth it.

Pikachu Logo: Pikachu
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Yellow
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 25/2/2001
City: orlando, fl
Country: usa
Test result: black to blue to black
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: not too shabby. 3 pills lasted about 10 hours. came up nicely. come down made me itching for more

Lips Logo: Raised Lips
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 26/2/2001
City: Bristol
Country: UK
Test result: Straight to black 2 secs (Unusual glossy black reaction), blue tint seen after 30 secs.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These pills are quite fat with a small raised lips imprint. Took one at 10.30, was feeling an effect by 11.00, some uplift but mainly trippiness to begin. Took another at 11.00, then another at hourly intervals,until 1.00. By then felt extremely euphoric, very touchy feely, unable to dance at points. These felt very rushy, although I did feel a bit sick when I was coming up on the later ones. Was peaking after the last one for a good 4 hours and was still up in the car on the way home at 7am. These tested as MDMA but I think they were definitely MDA, about 35mg per pill. Overall 5/10- Good for all-nighters.

007 Logo: 007
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 26/2/2001
City: Poole Dorset
Country: uk
Test result: straight to purple
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Nausea
User reports: these were very well made, came up on these within 35 mins and felt very sick, then a hour later came straight down, took another and within a few mins came up on the first one again, so later was sick again. These were like a roller coaster, up and down all night.

double stacked nike Logo: N
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 26/2/2001
City: johnson city
Country: USA
Test result: went to yellow in about 15 seconds
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: even though it was very smacky, loved of the best rolls i've ever ate...believe it or not i rolled for like 17 hours and could still tell it was in my system like 24 hours later...didnt sleep for like 2 days but it was worth it MODERATOR COMMENT - YELLOW INDICATES SOME FORM OF SPEED, NOT MDMA TYPE CHEMICALS. AN INTERESTING REPORT CONSIDERING THE TEST RESULT ...

top Logo: top
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Orange
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 27/2/2001
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Test result: Quickly turned to black, with dark purple tint.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect:
User reports: Typical good e experience. After dropping the second one, became a little too free with my actions.

Blair Witches Logo: Blair Witch Project logo
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 27/2/2001
Country: Northern Ireland
Test result: to black in 8 seconds
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Very chunky pills. Took one, came up in about 20 minutes, then took another one. Didn't dance at all, just sat in a chair and couldn't move for the first 2 hours. These were extremely strong. Had the most hallucinations i ever had on pills! Got some great visuals when i listened to trippy music. I'm not quite sure what exactly was in these pills - but definately more than just MDMA!

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