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Current Results

Current Results

These results have been obtained using home ecstasy testing kits which use a chemical to test for the principal active ingredient in pills sold as ecstasy. They are *not* laboratory results. The test cannot indicate the quantity of a chemical in a pill, nor can it guage what else might be in the pill if it contains a number of ingredients. Please see the FAQ for more info on DIY e testing.

Just because a pill tests positive for MDMA, does not automatically mean that it is safe to take. Please check out the safety and harm reduction information elsewhere on this site.

If you are comparing a pill to one on the database, check for all distinguishing features: size, colour, logo, shade, score etc. Bear aware that 'copycat' pills exist - pills designed to look just like a 'good' one but with inferior ingredients.

IMPORTANT: The information on the database is provided by the good will of ecstasy testers and ecstasy users. It may not be one hundred percent accurate. Please use the information purely as guidance. Please see the FAQ.

Marshmellow Logo: No logo
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 1/5/2001
City: Longwood, Florida
Country: United States
Test result: Deep purple in 1 second. Tested with E-Z test
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very nice rolls. Very strong. Chattery jaw. Loved up, dancy feeling. No complaints. Everyone here loves these pills. 8/10

Yellow/orange K.O. Logo: K.O.
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Orange
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 1/5/2001
City: Longwood, Florida
Country: United States
Test result: Purple to black in 5 seconds, if you look closley you can see green and red and black speckles, tiny but they are definately there.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These are weak pills. I usually eat between 4 and 20 in a night. I don't pay for them. Don't waste your money on these pills. If you do you'll need more than 1.

Tripple-Stacked Butterfly Logo: lightly pressed butterfly
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Yellow
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 1/5/2001
City: Tampa, Florida
Country: USA
Test result: black in 15 seconds.
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Very strange but good pill. Felt great for 7 hours then began to feel strange. Strange as in almost like comming down from an acid trip. Took 2 and 1/2 and was feeling pretty good. Friend took 5 and felt like he was going to OD. Hope the info is helpful....

Mitsubishi Logo: Mitsi logo
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 1/5/2001
City: London
Country: England
Test result: Fizzed. No colour change.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Vomiting
User reports: Several of us took these. Made us dance for hours, but didn't feel loved up. Quite a good experience, but very different from E. Would like to know what might be in them.

Tulip Logo: impression of a tulip
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 1/5/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: Blue - black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: Good pill. Got through 3 over a period of 15 hours. Not much jaw stiffness or clenching and not really loved up, but very good feeling. Slept well afterwards, no problems although didn't eat for two days.

Rolling Stone Logo: Rolling Stone Tongue
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 1/5/2001
City: Raleigh, NC
Country: USA
Test result: Some kind of blueish indigo color
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Here is the deal: Took longer than usual to kick in, real sick to begin with, but the nausea passed. Was kinda speedy, but then got real calming. A good shot of vicks inhailer would glue you to your seat. Overall, it wasnt a real good pill, too sketchy for me. The meth, which i'm assuming there was lots of, kept me up all the next day and some of the next night. Didnt remember even peaking....i rate it a 3.5/10 ,PLUR & E never G ,

White Superman Logo: Superman Logo
Type: Pill
Shape: Triangle
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 1/5/2001
City: San Diego
Country: USA
Test result: Turned to black in about 3 seconds. Further testing shows MDMA as only active component.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These were quick to come on. Took about 30 minutes, then progressed to a nice peak. Nothing mind blowing, but an amazing, loved-up roll just the same. I give it 8/10.

Mistubishi Logo: Mitsubishi
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 2/5/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: Pitch black in 2 seconds.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I dropped 1 pill (and later another 1/2). Came up very quickly and was very loved up and chatty for 3-4 hours. After this was able to sleep very quickly and woke up with no comedown

Tulip Logo: Tulip
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 2/5/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: Dark purple in 1 second, Black in 2
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: I dropped 1 pill. Came up in 45 minutes quite trippy pills, no loved-up or dancy effect. Came down after 2.5 - 3 hours. No noticable effects the next day.

fish or fishfood ,doublestacked Logo: little fish
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 4/5/2001
City: miami fla
Country: usa
Test result: turned black in about 3 to 5 secs
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: this pill was great but disapeared pretty quickly..( that sucks !! ) i felt very loved up , horniness galore ,& dancy all in one pill... probably the best ive taken.. lasted about 6 hrs with a smooth comedown... couldnt ask for a better party pill

fish Logo: fish
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 4/5/2001
City: amsterdam-street dealer
Country: nl
Test result: black in 3 sec
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: no bad got on the street in adam on the 20th of april...took about 45 mins to kick in lasted about 3 hrs ok pill

green x or star Logo: large x or star
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 4/5/2001
City: amsterdam street dealer
Country: nl
Test result: black in about 8 sec
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: weak pill, very soft-20-04-01

Red Bermuda Triangle Logo: Triangle (neat)
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 5/5/2001
City: Brisbane
Country: Australia
Test result: Black/ Deep purple in less than 5 secs.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: WOW! AWESOME pill. In short this pill was a god send... I would have to give it 8.5-9/10.

Hummingbird Logo: Hummingbird
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 5/5/2001
City: Brisbane
Country: Australia
Test result: Black. Very Black ... Very fast.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Holy sh**! Be warned. This pill is not a toy. Overwhelmingly strong come on, followed by a peak of an hour or so. Do not do this pill and drive. Vision VERY impaired. Blurry vision. Dance (if u can)9/10

Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 5/5/2001
City: Brisbane
Country: Australia
Test result: Test proved unusual. Colour went somewhere between purple and green. Also a faint yellow trace after 20 secs...
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: Dizziness
User reports: Crappy pill. If u like being totally scattered all night, and forget your own name ... go ahead. Came on like a decent e in around 40 mins. But after 2 hours or so approaching comedown everybody started to become very "brain-dead" Not a nice pill.

Dexters Logo: Dexter the Bear
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 5/5/2001
City: Sunderland
Country: UK
Test result: Black speckled
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Took a while to peak, peak only lasted about an hour. They are shit, and really put a dampner on my night coz I only had the one pill out with me. They leave you feeling tired the next day. My friend was the same.

(Integra) TYPE R Logo: Italic R
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 5/5/2001
City: Houston
Country: USA
Test result: Straight to Black 5 Sec
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very very very clean tabs popped 2 around 11, and it hit me 45 min later. These Type R's have a rollercoaster effect, whered you would wigg hard, and then lightly sober up for a min then it hits you hard agian. The reason I reccomend these is mainly becuase of the comedown. As an expeirenced x user I had never had such a smooth comedown ever. 7/10 on the Xchart.

red weed Logo: pot leaf
Type: Pill
Shape: Diamond
Colour: Purple
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 6/5/2001
City: Beirut
Country: Lebanon
Test result: black attack(instant black)
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: incredible...amazing.. i usually take 4-6 pills. i took the first at 11 and was still fucked up at 2 when i took the second. happy, talkative, speedy... up till seven just 2 pills. best ever had.

Biohazard Logo: biohazard symbol
Type: Pill
Shape: Oblong
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 7/5/2001
City: Tampa, Florida
Country: U.S.A.
Test result: yellow
Overall effect: No effect Physical effect: Dizziness
User reports: A pill was tested after I ate one. I waited for the pill to kick in, but no luck. I began to have stomach cramps, and later my stomach was twitching inside for about 4 hours. I also fought dizzy after a while. I absolutly do NOT recomend these pills, and recomend you stay away from them.. I bought three of them, and all three were not the same size, also, they were being advertised as being pure MDMA, so DON'T GET FOOLED!

Pills containing strychnine - warning from Dutch police to UK Logo: none
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Yellow
Speckled: yes
Date: 7/5/2001
Country: UK
Test result: Unknown. We do not know if these pills contain any MDMA, if they do, then they will test positive
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: The pills are 9mm in diameter and 4.4mm thick, yellow with brown flecks. This warning was issued to the British government sometime before 30th April but they did nothing to alert users.

Rolls Royce Logo: 2 overlapping r's
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 7/5/2001
City: northampton, ma
Country: u.s.a.
Test result: instant black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: best pills around. definatly pure pressed molly. 1 is good even for the experienced.

NIKES Logo: nike swoosh
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 8/5/2001
City: Detroit Michigan
Country: USA
Test result: straight to purple, then black within 5 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Picked these up at a party in detroit, got them tested at the dancesafe booth,after the pill tested postive for mdma i munched it, it kicked in within 40 minutes, peaked for 4 good hours with a very smoth comedown, i give em a 8/10

PACMAN Logo: PACMAN- depressed logo
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 8/5/2001
City: Philadelphia, PA
Country: USA
Test result: staright to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: these pills are awesome. doublestacked, my friend and i cut them in half and took half first, and the other half about 5 hours later. i had more of a happy than loved up feeling, some visuals, a little trippy, lots of jaw clenching. a fun time was had by all. took the first half around 11, the second half at 4 and was up till 7.

Tulip Logo: imprint of a tulip
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 7/5/2001
City: northampton, ma
Country: u.s.a.
Test result: instant black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: very good pills, same soure as the rolls royce, lots around. 20 minutes to onset long lasting peak, nice mellow comedown, no side effects. very, very clean pills.

Dexter - From Dexters Laboratory Logo: Dexters fce from dexters laboratory
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 8/5/2001
City: Newcastle
Country: UK
Test result: To black approx 5 secs no oter colours present - e2 test showed straight to mdma
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Good fun - double dropped to get a hit - but clean and good fun. Made friends with someone I had fallen out with so one of the best nights ever - Overall 8 out of 10

Plumpers Logo: BBW
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 9/5/2001
City: augusta
Country: ga
Test result: fast to black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: This pill rocks. I was told that it was the logo for big women? who knows

Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 10/5/2001
City: Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Test result: Black within 6 seconds
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: UNREAL. I have tried to get hold of some more of these. But can't find them. Lots in Auckland New Zealand.

Omega Logo: Omega sign
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 10/5/2001
City: stockholm
Country: Sweden
Test result: instant to black within 2 sec with Ez-test
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very nice pills, best for a long time. it's the real thing

Marlboro Logo: M
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 10/5/2001
City: Bristol
Country: UK
Test result: To orange, then black/purple in 8 secs.Strange dirty green colour seen after 45 secs at edges.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Wasn't sure about these after test result but took one and half to start. Long time to come up - 50 minutes or so, then nice dancy effect, lasted good two hours, felt a bit like MDEA but then just felt sketchy with no other physical effect. OK, but wouldn't take them at the start of a night. 4/10

Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Yellow
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 11/5/2001
Country: U.S.A.
Test result: SLOW TO BLACK
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: No effect

Green Motorola Logo: Motorola Logo
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 11/5/2001
City: Minneapolis
Country: U.S.A.
Test result: Fast to Black
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: One great tab...Quite possibly one of the best tabs ever!!!

Triple Stacked Mercedes Logo: Mercedes sign
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Blue
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 12/5/2001
City: Trenton
Country: USA
Test result: Straight to Black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Took one around 7:15. Started rolling like 8 or so. Kicked in hardcore. One of the phatest roles yet. So much better at a dance with hot girls.

Mitsubishi Logo: mitsubishi
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 12/5/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: fast to dark purple
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very dancy, pretty luved up too :)

Snowball?? Logo: None
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 13/5/2001
City: boston
Country: mass
Test result: *Instant* black, eventual slight hint of deep purple.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: No effect
User reports: Very nice roll, up in about 60 minutes, stayed there for 4 hours or so. Very slight halo effect around lights but no major visual stuff. Nice feeling. Talkative, happy, people seemed cooler than usual. A touch speedy, but not in a nervous way. Very crisp and clean. Easy comedown.

Pink Mercedes Logo: Mercedes
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 15/5/2001
City: Brighton
Country: UK
Test result: Black within about 4 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Not too strong - but apparently clean. Easy come down. Stacking 2 for a hit is real nice. More lovey than energising.

cloud 9 Logo: cloud around #9
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 16/5/2001
City: Calgary
Country: Canada
Test result: instantly to purple/black
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Nausea
User reports: If this pill contains mdma it sure not much. Bit of speed and lsd is all it is. B.S. pill not worth the coin

geen trumpet Logo: Guy playing trumpet
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 16/5/2001
City: Calgary
Country: Canada
Test result: instantly to purple/black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Sweet ride.....puuuuuure!

Dexters Logo: Dexters Face
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 16/5/2001
City: Sunderland
Country: England
Test result: took a while for anything to happen, and then only turned the actual powder black and did not turn the liquid black.
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Took 45 min to an hour to work, then last about an hour, also a bad come down. Not very good!

Igloo Logo: Igloo Bird
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 16/5/2001
City: Orlando
Country: USA
Test result: Instant purble/Black in 1-3 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Large double stacked pill..awesome roll!! Hard, deep feeling and lasted 4-5 hours on just one pill..definitly thumbs up!!

Red Smiley Faces Logo: Smiley Face
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 17/5/2001
City: Baton Rouge,LA
Country: United States
Test result: Quickly purple then instantly turned BLACK!!!
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These pills were AWESOME! Prolly the best alot of people ate. Very hard ROLLIN!

...MICRO-DOTS... Logo: No Logo
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 17/5/2001
City: Lafayette,LA
Country: United States
Test result: Turned dark purple then Black in about 4 seconds.
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Very strong, nice ROLLS,clean around here...Couldn't get any better...THEY'RE GREAT!

Red Ferrari Logo: Small horse
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 17/5/2001
City: Bristol
Country: UK
Test result: Straight to red, then 2 secs to black, after 45 secs some blue seen. suspect MDMA/Amphetamine mix.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: These are smaller than normal and has no real discernable smell. I'm not having these until we fly out tonight. The Marquis test indicated unusually strong reaction, backed up by user reports of only needing half at a time. Wish me luck!!

"X" or "Cross" Logo: White X or Cross
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 17/5/2001
City: Naples, FL
Country: USA
Test result: Went straight to pink.
Overall effect: No effect Physical effect: No effect
User reports: These are TERRIBLE rolls. Worst I have seen. A friend bought 30 of them, and lost about 300 dollars because every last one of these things are fake. DO NOT BUY THEM. They probably contain aspirin or some other over-the-counter pain killer. A friend took 6 of them, and he felt no different. Beware of these!

Double Stacked Green Yin Yangs Logo: Yin Yang
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 18/5/2001
City: Longwood, Florida
Country: United States
Test result: Was black for like a fraction of a second and then Instantly turned DARK PURPLE -=Tested with EZ-Test=--
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These pills took about 45 minutes to an hour to hit all of us. But when they did I started to feel them come up my legs, rushes of exhileration. I wanted to sit in my chair and just hug myself hehe. I was blowing up HARD. These are really great rolls almost as good asthe doublestacked green euros I had a few months ago. only draw back on these pills is that after we were all done rollin our jaws hurt so bad from it chattering all night. I give these 9/10

Green Euro dollars - DANGER WARNING Logo: Euro dollar
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Speckled: no
Date: 18/5/2001
City: Cambridge and Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: unknown - moderator report
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: These pills have now been firmly linked to the death of at least two young people in East Anglia, UK. All we have to go on is they are strong. Advice is avoid.

pink Logo: none
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 19/5/2001
Country: New Zealand
Test result: black in 5 secs
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports:

million dollar pill Logo: m
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Orange
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 19/5/2001
City: morgan city, la
Country: usa
Test result: turned pill tester black in 4-5 sec
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: i took 3 off top at about 12:30 along with one of my friends and we didn't come down till about 8:00 i give them about a 6 on the E chart

Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Red
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 19/5/2001
City: Cleveland
Country: USA
Test result: straight to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: This was a very good roll, but it only lasted about 3 hours. A+

Blue Dolphin Logo: dolphin
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Blue
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 20/5/2001
City: San Francisco, CA
Country: USA
Test result: slow to brownish/purple. Could have passed thru an orange stage
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Stomach pains
User reports: Kinda crazy - got these from a guy in SF that also had Orange Tulips (my FAVE pils) and he said these were the shi**. I dunno. I took half and started feeling anxious at about 30 minutes. Took the other half, and at another 30 min. i was running around in circles. back and forth, back and forth. My friend was SUPERWOMAN that nite - running around with boxes full of records (I couldn't even fathom picking one up). I know there's speed in this pill, lots of it. Made me feel kinda sick, but i usually get that way. My stomach REALLY hurt the next day, and so did my friends. We both had bad headaches DURING the roll too. I had a lot of fun with it tho, definately good for a house party setting. Talked LOTS and spilled my guts to a million people. If you need a speedy pill, try it, i'm just not sure what all is in it.

Mitsubishi Logo: standard mitsy
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 20/5/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: Fast to black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: No effect
User reports: Seemed quite strong - a full-on pill

Tulip Logo: Tulip
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 20/5/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: Slowish to black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect:
User reports: Perhaos a little weak, ik though

Barrel Logo: none
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 20/5/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: Straight to black - very fast
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: Good reports. These pills were astrange shape, looked more like a long "stick" which had been chopped up into quite thick pills

Capsule Logo:
Type: Capsule
Colour: White
Texture: Fine powder
Speckled: no
Date: 20/5/2001
City: Norwich
Country: Norfolk
Test result: Straight to black
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: Good reports

Superman Logo: Superman
Type: Pill
Shape: Diamond
Colour: Beige
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 20/5/2001
City: Queens
Country: United State
Test result: straight to black immediately!
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: These pills took a little to kick in but once they did.....BANG!! I was trippin for who knows how long.....

Rolls Royce Logo: Interlocking double R's
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 22/5/2001
City: Florida
Country: U.S.A
Test result: Straight to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Multiple effects. Energy and loved up. Definately pure Molly. Best I've had in a while. These are huge doublestacks. 9.5/10. Best out in awhile.

Armani Logo: Armani eagle
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 23/5/2001
City: Bristol
Country: UK
Test result: dark blue/black in 6 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: These pills are large and v.hard to crush up. Despite the hardness (usually a bad sign) these were actually pretty good. Strong but nice come up, lovey/dancy effects and a nice comedown. 7.5/10

China White Logo: none
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 23/5/2001
City: Bristol
Country: UK
Test result: v. fast to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: These are distictive pills - no logo, no split on the back and domed on the top and bottom. Very lovey and euphoric pills, good to dance on and best of all v.minimal comedown!

pink porn stars Logo: star
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 23/5/2001
City: windham, Me.
Country: U.S.A
Test result: Black in three seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: up in 30 min lasts about 4-5 hours

Pink Star Trek Logo: Star Fleet Logo
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 23/5/2001
City: London
Country: UK
Test result: E1: Fast to Dark Purple E2: Immediately To Black with bubbles
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect:
User reports: Another brilliant batch of these. 3 samples tested at the Jelenik lab in Amsterdam, all 3 contained 148 mg MDMA - nothing else. Very strong pills. I would advise caution to those inexperienced, and especially to those who couldn't be bothered to take care of themselves (i.e. fluids etc) as people died on "Green Euros" which tested at only 129mg MDMA. Overall a very clean pill MODERATOR COMMENT - THIS ANALYSIS RESULT CAN'T BE CONFIRMED. WE HAVE HEARD THE GREEN EUROS WERE 176Mg, AGAIN WE CAN'T CONFIRM THAT.

DOLPHIN Logo: dolphin
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 24/5/2001
City: seoul
Country: korea
Test result: 1-3 sec black
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: its always good to make a border run and bringing some new stuff, this pills are amazingly good, they have this loved up fx we all look for in E, and they are strong, sometime you do have a trippy side effect but i love it so no problemo. took around 30 to 45 min to kick in and i rolled pretty hard fo 2 hours and had to snort another one to bring my roll back up, one reason why i think i didn't roll that long is because i dropp my first pill at 6 in the morning heheh , i know some people just don't know when to roll :) but overall BOMB PILLS

M5 Logo: M5
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Blue
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 24/5/2001
City: seoul
Country: korea
Test result: 1-5 sec black
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: when i dropped that pill i was already on white 24k meth pills (pretty good pills if you like dancing), neways it took around 15 min to kick in hardcore and i rolled in total for about 10 hours due to the fact that i did some other drugs that nit (k, bud,...), i strongly discourage new users to take different drugs when they never done it b4, this is serious stuff you can die, buy yourseld a camelbak so you won't have to run around to get some water.. i can't wait to get my hand on those M5 again, really good and clean pills

RECYCLE Logo: 2 interlocking arrows. Recycle Symbol
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 25/5/2001
Country: ireland
Test result: black 2 sec
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: haven't tried them out yet. they're quite small and really well made. well printed logo. haven't seen these around before. will post a report soon.

Bad Boy Logo: Bad Boys
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Rough surface
Speckled: no
Date: 26/5/2001
City: Virginia
Country: USA
Test result: purple in 2 seconds to black in 5
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I ate one and rolled hard for 3 hours.

Tazmanian Devil Logo: Taz
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Rough surface
Speckled: yes
Date: 26/5/2001
City: D.C.
Country: United States
Test result: instantly purple/black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: I ate 1 with my girlfriend, and rolled okay for 2 hours before coming down, and i ate another half and tripped very hard, nice party rolls.

Red Hot Chile Pepper Logo: Red Hot Chile Pepper
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Brown
Speckled: yes
Date: 26/5/2001
City: Virginia
Country: USA
Test result: very light blue???
Overall effect: Spaced out Physical effect: No effect
User reports: I got a pill for free from a friend. I waited to eat it at 8:00p.m., and i start to get like a very small noticably feeling at about 10 after 9, but faded in about 15 to 20 minutes. Worse pill I have ever taken in my life. I recommend if any body ever sees this pill, to not buy it.

star of david Logo: star of dave
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Beige
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 26/5/2001
City: sao paulo
Country: brazil
Test result: black in 6sec
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Vomiting
User reports: MODERATOR COMMENT: PLEASE SUBMIT ALL REPORTS IN ENGLISH! BABLEFISH MADE A MESS OF TRANSLATING THIS, BUT IT SEEMS A REASONABLE REPORT SO I'LL POST IT NOW. IN FUTURE PLEASE POST IN ENGLISH. medio, para alguns eh uma das melhores que esta rolando aki,mas eu acho que tem que tomar umas 4 pracurtir a festa minha opiniao a melhor eh o S roxo ou purple S

White Lightening (Pure MDMA) Logo:
Type: Powder
Speckled: no
Date: 26/5/2001
City: Virginia
Country: United States
Test result: instantly black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I had 200mg of the crystalized powder, and I don't think I have ever felt so good in my whole life. I ate it at a festival a week ago. Very good environment to try pure mdma in.

Golden Arrow (a.k.a RECYCLE) Logo: 2 interlocking arrows.
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 27/5/2001
Country: ireland
Test result: black 2 sec
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: very good pill. came up after 40mins, and felt extrememly confident and dreamy happy! peak lasted about 4-5 hours, which is fucking amazing nowadays!! only downer was the extreme jaw clenching which left my jaw rather sore the next day.(thats what i get for loosing my chewing gum half way through the night!!!) Anyway , best pills i've come across since the Anchors. 9.5/10 !

pink aladdin Logo: genie lamp
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 27/5/2001
City: maine
Country: USA
Test result: instant black
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports:

White euro dollars Logo: euro dollar symbol
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 27/5/2001
City: maine
Country: USA
Test result: black within 4 secs.
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: did not kick in for 90 min. but I rolled for about 5 hours

X's Logo: X or cross
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 27/5/2001
City: maine
Country: USA
Test result: Black in 2 secs
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: these kick in about 15 min. after you take them and last 3-4 hours

Louie the Lizard Logo: Budweiser lizard
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 27/5/2001
City: salzburg
Country: austria
Test result: Turned to black after 5 seconds
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: I took half and after half an hour had a speedy kick, talikng an awful lot. Had another half and pretty much came up staight away, losing the speedy kick to being absolutely loved up. Long lasting too. Had a second whole one and both lasted on well into the next again day. Pals out with me said that they noticed my mood was well happy and although I got the usual tingling around the limbs, there was no manic urge to dance like a clown. All told, the best pills i've had for a couple of years!!

Kelly (aka Kelly White, Kelly Flat) Logo: None - No score
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 28/5/2001
City: Brisbane QLD
Country: Australia
Test result: Hard to tell. Dark very fast. Looks good
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Un-fuckin-believable. Dropped on of these ... 30 mins later, Goodnite. Could barely walk 4 ages. Could barely see. These are EXTREMELY potent. Have fun .. DO NOT double drop...

Blue Motorola Logo: Motorola
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Blue
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 29/5/2001
City: Origin-Amsterdam
Country: LA, USA
Test result: Black/dark purple
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Ate 1 and rolled hard for almost 5 1/2 hours. Came down smoothly.

5-Pointed Crown (Rolex) Logo: Crown with 5 points
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Rough surface
Speckled: no
Date: 30/5/2001
City: Dublin
Country: Ireland
Test result: straight to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Logo looks really crappy, some thought it looked like a hand.Great pill,nice come up with a lovely peak,dancy overall without being really short lived.Comedown wasn't too bad as well. Highly recomended.

Nike's Logo: Nike Check
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 30/5/2001
City: Maryland
Country: USA
Test result: black in 2 seconds
Overall effect: Speedy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: I took one of these pills and came up in about 30 minutes. I peaked for about 3 1/2 hours, and felt really great after that for another 3 hours. Very nice pills for rollin' at someone's house with. I rate these pills an 8 out 10, and that's coming from someone who has eaten about 100 pills! Very nice rolls.

Recycle. Logo: 2-Interlocking arrows
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Texture: Hard
Speckled: no
Date: 30/5/2001
City: Dublin
Country: Ireland
Test result: straight to black
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: Would agree with other Irish posters.Above average pill.It's really well pressed and slightly smaller then other pills,more barrel shaped. Lasts for a while and is not at all skaggy.And there seems to be a shitload of them around(I've had them 3 times in the last 5 weeks)Whey-Hey!

Bermuda triangle Logo: A triangle
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: White
Speckled: no
Date: 30/5/2001
City: Norwich
Country: UK
Test result: Very fast to black - pill was small with bevelled edges
Overall effect: Physical effect:
User reports: Strong

green trumpet( also know as green alladin) Logo: a man playing a trump
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Green
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: no
Date: 31/5/2001
City: New Brunswick
Country: Canada
Test result: Turned black in about 2 secs.Suspect that there may be a bit of meth.
Overall effect: Dancy Physical effect: Jaw stiffness/clenching
User reports: What a great pill !! Came up in about 20-30 min...and let me tell you I had never experienced anything like this. I was dancing and everything moving(people dancing)turned digital. I am an experienced roller and man everybody has to try these. My friends said that they were the best pills they have ever dosed. I give it a 9-9.5/10 on the x-scale. Very clean come down, nothing sketchy, feelt like I had not even rolled. Cheers!!!

Pink Smiley Faces Logo: Smiley Face
Type: Pill with split
Shape: Round
Colour: Pink
Texture: Soft and crumbly
Speckled: yes
Date: 31/5/2001
City: Spotswood, NJ
Country: USA
Test result: Quick to Black
Overall effect: Trippy Physical effect: Blurred/distored vision
User reports: Me and a bunch of our friends took these pills, two of them puked, no one else did, but over all they where very loved up pills, some of the best I ever had

Blue Sky Logo: Sky written
Type: Pill
Shape: Round
Colour: Blue
Texture: Hard
Speckled: yes
Date: 31/5/2001
City: Fredericton
Country: NEw Brunswick ,Canada
Test result: turned black instantly...
Overall effect: Loved up Physical effect: No effect
User reports: VEry,very,very,clean pill. 20 -30 minutes come up. No stomach pains, no skickness. Felt really relaxe,(awsome house party pill) rolled for 2-3 hrs, and normaly pills only last about 1 for me. Easy come down, drope at about 1am, and was able to sleep at 6am no problem. Cioa

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