Test results May 1995
White Dove: yellowish-white, well-pressed dove marking without score line on reverse, 9x2.5mm. Contains 65 mg MDMA and 29 mg MDEA.
White Dove: plain white with very faint marking of dove and score line on reverse, 8x4mm. Contains 175mg MDEA. This is twice normal dose.
Speckled cream coloured rough tablet, 8.5x2.5mm. Contains 86mg MDMA
Matador or White Bull, 8x3mm with score line on reverse. Contains 130mg MDMA.
Yellow/brown rough tablet with no markings or score line, 7.5x3mm. Reputed to contain a mixture of cocaine and Ecstasy. Contains 20mg caffeine and 20mg amphetamine
Note: Do not assume that similar pills have similar contents.