[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 63][Reference
E for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders
Appendix 1: Reference Section
- 64 Markers of Neuronal Injury and Degeneration, by Miller and
- Damage to the brain occurred with both mice injected with MDMA and those
injected with fenfluramine, although not in the hippocampus or cortex, this
study found. The result is significant in relation to O'Callaghan's work
on rats as it shows that mice and rats are affected differently, implying
that species is relevant to MDMA poisoning.
[Reference 63][Reference
65] E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders (contact@ecstasy.org)
HTMLized by Lamont Granquist (lamontg@u.washington.edu)
Ecstasy.org index
Spiritual use
of psychoactives book by Nicholas Saunders