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[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 154][Reference 156]

E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders

Appendix 1: Reference Section

155 An analysis of the potential for HIV transmission among stimulant-using ravers by Drs Hilary Klee and Julie Morris, Manchester Metropolitan University, June 1993

The study aimed to discover whether increased sensuality and social interaction due to drugs taken at raves may lead to greater sexual activity and spread of HIV. To assess this, two studies were undertaken in the North of England.

The results of the first study relating to amphetamine users were: Those attending raves made no more casual sexual contacts than non-ravers. Amphetamine (including Ecstasy) users were less likely to have sexual intercourse, and were more positive towards condom use. Their risk of infection with HIV was therefore less.

The second study concerned injecting polydrug users. Of these, 10% were regular Ecstasy users; two-thirds of who were under 25 applying equally to men and women. Ecstasy users were more likely to also use frequent and high doses of cannabis and amphetamine. Ecstasy users had more friends and were less likely to inject alone. Ecstasy users had greater interest in sex and had more sex with more partners. Although their attitude to condom use was similar to non-users, increased sexual activity also put them at greater risk of HIV infection.

[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 154][Reference 156]
E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders (
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